• Free Wifi is currently available to the community during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Students may use school issued devices in school parking lots where they can obtain a signal. (May NOT enter buildings)

    In additon to the Blackwater Regional Library Branches in Waverly and Wakefield; service is also available:

    Offered 24/7 free of charge compliments of Owen Ford, Telpage, and Mid Atlantic Broadband Communities Corp.
    (Questions, please call Telpage at 434-634-5100)

    • JARRETT at Owen Ford
      • Owen Ford will have designated parking for Internet in front of the building during regular business hours.
      • Park anywhere while business is closed.
    • EMPORIA at Telpage
      • Parking lot at corner of South Main St. and Laurel St.
      • Search for WiFi connections & select "Remote Learning WiFi"
      • There is no password needed

    Possible Internet Providers (You Pay)


     [NOTE: Sussex County Public Schools is NOT endorsing any ISP and cannot speak to quality of service, customer service, or coverage. Information provided here is just a courtesy sharing of information.]

    Comcast is increasing access to their Internet Essentials Low Income Internet Services. www.internetessentials.com; reach out to Terry Ellis at 804 - 536- 7840

    Comcast Government Programs - Internet Essentials Offers Internet Svc w/ free modem $9.95 per month. - 855-846-8376 

    Prerequisite / child have to been enrolled in nutrition program - New Customers can qualify over phone and can pick up modem at any of our Svc centers nearby.

    Laptops offered w program $150

    Call if need any further assistance!  (Contact Gloria Harris (804) 928-4372).


    Another Comcast option: If anyone need regular internet through Comcast -

    Basic pkg is 39.99 w/$10 autopay!

    They can rent modem for $14 (Contact Gloria Harris (804) 928-4372).



